Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Coordinating Conjunction Definition and Examples
A coordinating conjunction is a conjunction (such as and) that joins two similarly constructed and/or syntactically equal words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence, whether they are adjectives, adverbs, nouns, or verbs. Its also called a coordinator. The coordinating conjunctions in English are and, but, for, nor, or, so, and yet. (See the coordinating conjunction and as it functions in that list of conjunctions?) Compare their use with ​subordinating conjunctions, which join items that are not of equal weight. When joining two independent clauses to create a compound sentence, place a comma before the conjunction. When they join two verbs, for example in the case of a compound predicate, you dont use a comma before the conjunction. ​ Independent Clauses vs. Compound Predicates Independent clauses look like these examples below. They each have a subject and a verb, making them complete thoughts that stand on their own: She wondered when he would get home. She decided not to call. If we were to write them as one sentence, wed either need to join them with a semicolon or a comma and a coordinating conjunction like this: She wondered when he would get home, but she decided not to call. Note that each clause keeps its own subject and verb. If theyd be joined without the comma and conjunction, theyd be a fused sentence or a comma splice. This version of the sentence contains a compound predicate, two verbs that share the same subject: She wondered when he would get home but decided not to call. Theres no comma before but because there is only one subject for both verbs. She both wondered and decided. There are no longer two independent clauses. Decided not to call cant stand on its own as a sentence. Conjunctions Starting a Sentence In some cases, a coordinating conjunction may be used as a transition at the beginning of a new sentence. It can break up a static rhythm between similarly structured sentences or lead off a very short sentence to add emphasis to that sentence in the paragraph. Theres some debate whether writers should be able to use the conjunctions in this way or whether thats a rule that shouldnt exist. Author David Crystal explains: And at the beginning of a sentence? During the 19th century, some schoolteachers took against the practice of beginning a sentence with a word like but or and, presumably because they noticed the way young children often overused them in their writing. But instead of gently weaning the children away from overuse, they banned the usage altogether! Generations of children were taught they should never begin a sentence with a conjunction. Some still are.There was never any authority behind this condemnation. It isnt one of the rules laid down by the first prescriptive grammarians. Indeed, one of those grammarians, Bishop Lowth, uses dozens of examples of sentences beginning with and. And in the 20th century, Henry Fowler, in his famous Dictionary of Modern English Usage, went so far as to call it a superstition. He was right. There are sentences starting with And that date back to Anglo-Saxon times. (The Story of English in 100 Words. St. Martins Press, 2012) Following through with the example in the previous section, it could read like this: She wondered when he would get home. But she decided not to call. Splitting up the two sentences changes their rhythm and pacing slightly, as compared with having them joined into one sentence with the conjunction between them. Starting a sentence with a conjunction isnt a convention you want to use sentence after sentence, paragraph after paragraph, but it can serve as a tool to create drama in a passage through altering its pacing and rhythm.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Current Ethical Issues - 1503 Words
Current Ethical Issues University of Phoenix Ethics in Management PHL/323 June 12, 2011 In today’s society there are many decisions made every day that have an effect on not only a single person but can contribute to decisions and actions that many other people make as well. Many decisions have an ethical standpoint that each person must address to make sure that it is a decision they are ready and willing to make. Each decision needs to incorporate the main issues at hand, who it will affect and how, as well as any possible side effects from the decision. Recently, the Phoenix Police Department of Arizona has been faced with many ethical dilemmas that have scared their image. Even though many in the police force have tried†¦show more content†¦This leadership came into play, although all individuals involved are adults and accountable for their own actions, by the sergeants’ participation giving the ethical impression to the subordinate officers’ their actions are acceptable. Leadership is extremely important in every organization, a nd although Gary Marche reveals, â€Å"There is no evidence to support the â€Å"individual rotten apple†theory†he ties corruption to leadership as the fish is known to rot at the head (Marche, 51). When we think of Police Officers, we imagine individuals that are presented with a code of conduct. Officers are thought to be people that can be trusted and will help uphold the law. It is rare to hear about an officer involved investigation as most officers are able to maintain a good record and make confident decision with the moral code in place. The extra expenses to the city that these investigations require are a major drawback that has an impact on not only the officers but the entire community. Because the officers have already been screened they are often given the benefit of the doubt in the courts eyes and are allowed to continue their careers as long as they are able to justify their decisions and ensure that they were within the law. Only when an officer has been accused of a crime that suits an investigation or is connected to an Internal Affairs investigation are they required to take additionalShow MoreRelatedCurrent Ethical Issues Paper755 Words  | 4 PagesCurrent Ethical Issues Paper Heidi L. Hinckley XMGT/216 December 16, 2012 Dan Mitchell In creating this paper I have decided to use the Kudler Fine Foods organization, due to the fact that I enjoy trying new flavors from around the world. Kudler Find Foods is â€Å"a local upscale specialty food store†(Kudler website) located in California. Kudler Fine Foods currently has three locations in the state of California. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Patient Falls Free Essays
Preventing Patient Falls in Inpatient Hospital Settings Introduction For the most part, hospitals are places where one comes for healing and it is place where our clients should feel safe and away from harm. Nurses have an important role as a patient advocate and are to provide all clients with safe, compassionate, and quality care at all times. Nonetheless, the hospital can also be a dangerous place for inpatients. We will write a custom essay sample on Patient Falls or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is a foreign environment to clients and there may be alterations in their medical condition in regards to their physical and/or mental status. With this said, there is a need to improve upon how we care for our clients, especially those who are at most risk for various incidents. Background Certain facilities have dedicated efforts such as research and quality improvement teams to prevent incidents, yet patient falls still make up the largest category of reported incidents in hospitals (The Joint Commission, 2007). As nurses, we see fall prevention programs such as using fall risk assessment tools to determine how many our patients are at risk for falls. In the inpatient setting, nurses also implement bed alarms and encourage â€Å"fall risk†clients to use the call light especially while getting up and out of bed. Although these tools ensure some security for our clients, it is not enough as it does not fully protect our patient population. This problem is significant to nursing as it compromises the safety and well-being of our clients, affects the length of stay, and also affects finances for both the patient and the hospital. So the question is: how can we promote safer hospital stays and prevent inpatient falls? Method This exploratory study used a qualitative research design that was conducted in one acute, medical adult unit (32 beds) in a Michigan medical center. The clinical nurses who currently work in the study unit were recruited for interviews. †(Tzeng, 2008) These participants were asked for their input regarding how and why patient falls occur in the hospital setting according to their perspective, and to think of ways to implement new regulations and ways to prevent inpatient falls. (Tzeng, 2008) It would be ideal to create a fall prevention team that includes current staff who are directly involved n the care of clients. This team would include physicians, former or current staff nurses, assisting personnel, and other healthcare members since they all spend time at the patients’ bedside, and they may have insight into areas of improvement that others may not see. An interdisciplinary effort would be an overall better approach when dealing with precautions that would affect the facility’s policy and procedure changed in the facility. (Hughes, 2007) All of the members input about healthcare improvement may be highly constructive and would greatly benefit safety goals. The Joint Commission emphasizes that a better physical design of facilities may also lead to improved healthcare outcomes such as fewer patient falls. (Joint Commission, 2007) Results â€Å"The primary root causes of fatal falls as reported by healthcare organizations involved inadequate staff communication, incomplete orientation and training, incomplete patient assessment and reassessment, environmental issues, incomplete care planning, unavailable or delayed care provision, and inadequate organizational culture of safety. (Joint Commission, 2007) If a client is high-fall-risk, implementing continuous observation by bringing in a sitter for the patient would be best. If there are patients that are demented or confused, it may be ideal to inform and educate the family to visit and care for them as much as possible so that it provides the client with a familiar environment. If there are bed alarms set for certain patients, maybe it is best to group these patients closer to nurses st ation so the responsible nurse to could hear the alarms better and react faster. Other findings include communicating changes in the patients’ behavior and conditions to oncoming nurses during shift change. Educating the family is always beneficial, so that they know about details such as non-slip socks, the importance of keeping the side rails up, and using the call light in concerns. Considering all over-the-counter and prescription drugs the client is taking is important, as well as considering the physical environment and thoroughly assessing and re-assessing clients for any physical and mental changes. Ensuring that the client’s room and restroom are clean, dry, and free of clutter should also be a concern. For nurses especially, we should not also rely on housekeeping or the aides. If we could go out our way, just for a few minutes, this may just be enough sometimes to keep our patients out of harm’s way. Ethical Considerations People with autonomy have the freedom to choose between multitudes of options. (Burkhardt Nathaniel, 2008) Autonomy is the ability to freely choose amongst a variety of options that would have certain effects on a person’s life. Most of the clients that seek healthcare are independent in caring for themselves or formerly independent in self-care. At times, nurses encounter clients who seem to be stubborn or not enthused with the idea that now at a certain time of their life, they are not able to do things completely by themselves. Their autonomy has now been compromised by medical or other conditions they have. Nurses encounter problems with certain people who do not call for help or have healthcare personnel assist them when they really are at risk for falls and other injuries. If a problem such as this arises, clients should be made aware that nurses and aides are always willing to help even if it is just a trip to the restroom. Clients should be re-assured that they are not being bothersome and ask for assistance at any time during their patient stay. This is how nurses should promote beneficence and ensure trust amongst our patient population. Conclusion Ensuring client safety should be the main concern for nurses and healthcare professionals. Although the Joint Commission has addressed problems with client falls, there is always room for improvement. Nurses should be known as bedside leaders because out of the rest of the interdisciplinary team, we know our patients the best and they are our priority. References Burkhardt, M. A. , Nathaniel, A. K. (2008). Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing (3rd ed. , pp. 452-453). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning. Hart-Hughes, S. , Quigley, P. , Palacios, P. , Bulat, T. , Scott, S. (2007 ). An Interdisciplinary Approach to Reducing Fall Risks and Falls. Journal of Rehabilitation, 70(4), 46-51. Retrieved February 9, 2012, from CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Joint Commission, The. (2007). National Patient Safety Goals  Facts about the 2007 National Patient Safety Goals. Retrieved February 7, 2012, from http://www. jointcommission. org/PatientSafety/NationalPatientSafetyGoals/07_npsg_facts. htm Tzeng, H. , Yin, C. (2008, June). Nurses’ Solutions to Prevent Inpatient FallsHospital Settings [Electronic version]. Nursing Economics, 26(3), 179-187. Retrieved February 9, 2012, from CINAHL Plus with Full Text. How to cite Patient Falls, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Net-a-Porter Handbag Swot Anaysis free essay sample
From entry price DVF bags at ? 265 to the seasons ‘must have’ bags at ? 2000 upwards, customers from all ends of the luxury spectrum are catered for. The Spring / Summer edit has a great colour mix and covers all of the main SS12 handbag trends. With Fringing covered by Dries, Balmain and Louboutin, Studs are featured in Margiela and Wang, and Lanvin, Miu Miu and The Row all feature the seasons bigest trend exocitic skins. There is a very strong representation for the Domestic UK, European and US customers. Brands such as Chloe, Lanvin, Bottega and cater well for the central European customers while Victoria Beckham, Stella McCartney and McQueen are all firm favourites with domestic customers. The Arab customer is also well catered for, with brands like Pucci, Cavalli and Etro. Exocitic skins, which are very popular among Middle Eastern customers, are also well represented across a variety of brands. As the Middle Eastern customer is one of the worlds most prosperous regions where many spend up to 30% of their income on fashion it is important to keep this edit strong. We will write a custom essay sample on Net-a-Porter Handbag Swot Anaysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another area in which Net-a-Porter excells is in online searches. Net-a-Porter is among the top five search results when you search for almost all of the top handbag brands such as Mulberry, Yves Sant Laurent, Anya Hindmarch and Bottega. The only other retailer which comes up as consistently is Harrods. Weaknesses Hermes, Dior , Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Comme de Garcon, Gucci, Burberry, Armani and Prada, are among the top most searched for luxury fashion brands in China, and are not featured in the Net-a-porter handbags selection. As China is the fastest growing luxury fashion customer base, it in imperative that they are catered for in the Net-a-Porter handbag buy. Lack of exclusivity in the handbag offering. While exclusivity is strong across Net-a-porter as a whole, the handbag edit does not have many exclusive styles. Almost all everything can be found on the Harvey Nichols, Selfridges, Harrods or My Wardrobe websites. In particular the Selfridges website has over 45 exclusive handbag styles online, from a variety of brands which include Mulberry, Alexander Wang and Anya Hindmarch. To combat this Net-a porter should negotiate world exclusivity on a number of ‘it bags’ for next season, either by having early delivery to ensure a week or two of exclusivity or by commissioning an exclusive colour option in the most popular styles. At present Net-a-porter has no representation for Celine handbags, which has become the most covetable handbag brand across the high fashion world and accounts for a considerable percentage of handbag sales in London department stores. As they grow from strength to strength it would be advisable for Net-a-porter to try and include Celine in their edit. Opportunities As Net-a-Porter only operates online, it has not been possible to buy some brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel or Celine. Luxury brands like these have been wary of the digital realm due to fears that it might dilute its exclusivity, but many are now moving more and more into digital and online marketing which will eventually lead to online retailing. By negotiating with brands such as these which are not currently sold online, Net-a-porter can be the first and only retailer to sell these online which will bring a new level of exclusivity to the site. Celine, Chanel and Louis Vuitton, in particular, would be the big ones to target, Celine for the high fashion customer, and Louis Vuitton and Chanel for the growing Asian market. Pre-selling through customer events. With the success of the new Moda Operandi website, it is clear that customers want their products as soon as they appear on the catwalk . By pre-selling handbags as soon as they have appeared at fashion week Net-a-porter can target the fashion forward customer who know what they want to buy for the season, well before the product arrives on department stores shop floor, therefore building on and ensuring customer loyalty. The global luxury goods market is forecast to expand by 65% by 2015, with most of this growth coming from emerging economies, especially in Asia Pacific. China remains the key growth generator in the region, but new demand is also coming from other markets such as South Korea, Taiwan and to a lesser extent India. Net-a-Porter has a clear opportunity to target these customer groups by providing a tailored handbag edit of the top selling brands in these countries. Threats Being number one in its market, some of Net-a-porters proven strategies are being imitated, to various degrees, by other large retailers such as Selfridges and Harrods, both of which have made huge improvements to their websites, and their handbag edits, in recent months. For example Selfridges have over three times the handbag product online now as they had this time last year. Harvey Nichols also continue to add new handbag brands to their online store. As these stores continue to catch up with Net-a-porter it is really important the Net continues to hone and develop its product range to remain the best. Another threat is exclusivity in department stores. As department stores continue to catch up with Net through the development of their online stores, Net-a-Porter in turn needs to try and match what is offered by department stores. One thing is that department stores do particularly well for handbags is, exclusive product. Liberty, Harrods and Selfridges are all known for their variety of store exclusive styles in their handbag edit. In order to maintain its reputation as the worlds premier online retailer, Net-a-porter needs to match their level of exclusivity and provide more style options that are available only at Neta-Porter.
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