Monday, September 30, 2019
Assignment: Change Models Essay
In this paper the executive at a high-end retail chain selling luxury watches, jewelry, and hand bags is in charge of the company’s first expansion in the international pool, which is about a new store open in Shanghai, China. This is only a short term objective as the company expects to open several stores in the BRIC countries, such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China, which is the long-term plan. The executive explains the chain models used to follow the short-term and long-term goals and the effects these changes would have on executives, managers, and employees from the company. Organizational Change Change is not easy to implement and plan. It requires a lot of responsibility for the ones that are impacted by it and for the ones who enforce it. Weis (2012) reminds about three types of change that can be at an organizational level, such as: developmental, transitional and transformational. Developmental change refers to improvements of what already exists. A good example of developmental change is when a company improves a procedure or a process that exists within the organization like the leave time or the update of an HR policy. There is little stress involved in such change and it does not really need to be of a larger scale and scope. The second type of organizational change reminded by Weiss (2012) is transitional change and it refers to implementing a known desired state, different from a current one. It is a type of change of a larger scale and it deals with a certain amount of stress, unlike developmental change. A good example of transitional change is the merger or acquisition procedure of a company. Another example when it comes to processes and procedures is about replacing them with new ones, like when a new technology system is installed, replacing an older one. Transitional changes can unsettle jobs, can shake things in a company, and they can also create new jobs, requiring training and hiring. The third type of change is the transformational model which requires or involves the emergence of a new and unknown state for the company. When a company moves to a new and different target market it requires different strategies, as well as skills. Another good example of transformational change is when the CEO and executives of a company want to change the culture or/and the structure of a company. This type of change is the requiring intensive focus and involving a lot of stress. It may be the most complex among all three change types. The short-term objective that needs to be implemented by the executive is the open of a new store in Shanghai, China. Being a single event it may not require such intensive focus; however, there are aspects of the matter that need to be highly considered. The strategy proposed for the opening of a new store in Shanghai is to reach the objective through a transitional change model. A good way to implement this change model is with the 7-S model. Waterman, Peters, and Philips (1980) explain that the 7-S Model for Organizational change examines seven key areas of the company, as well as the relationship of each of the elements one another. The 7 elements are grouped into two major categories, such as: soft elements and hard elements. The elements are as follows: strategy, structure, systems, shared values, style, staff, and skills. Through strategy, the company plans to maintain competitive advantage, while the structure refers to the hierarchy of the company. In both situations, the short and long-term, the hierarchy of the company suffers modifications and the executive needs to make sure the employees and everyone affected by the change are ready to experience it. Systems refer to every-day processes through the company, while shared values refer to the core value of the company. The executive will follow and enforce the shared values of the company in both the short-term and long-term events. Planning for the short-term and opening a new store in China, may be slightly difficult since it is the first time the company deals with such an action. That is why every step needs to be well calculated. It is the first time when the executive needs to come up with a plan involving the inventory of the new store, how it will be maintained, and how supply of products is made. Laws and regulations of China when it comes to retailing need to be considered properly. The first experience will be useful into creating the long-term strategy because it provides the experience necessary to such change within the company. No longer will the other managers and executives need to think locally and nationally. They have to think globally and that is a change required to be addressed in the first place. Since it involves opening a new store, the employees would be hired locally. This is a change that affects the managers because they will have to learn how the hiring process takes place in the country where the new stores are opened. The long-term strategy may not be as complex as the short-term strategy for change because there will be a precedent and the company will cope with the change easily. Conclusion Dealing with change can be challenging when a company focuses on going globally. This paper exposes the strategies an executive at a jewelry store has to deal with opening new store in China (a short-term objective) and other stores in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). Given the cultural diversity of these countries, hiring approaches, as well as the laws and regulations being different in these countries can make the achievement of the objectives more difficult. References Waterman, R. H., Peters, T. J., & Philips, J. R. (1980). Structure is not Organization. Retrieved from Weiss, J.W. (2012). Organizational Change. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Why Was Swanwick Station the busiest station in England for a few weeks each year in the 1930’s, and why did this cease to be the case?
The strawberry industry was the farming and distribution of the finest strawberries in Hampshire. In this project I will explain why Swanwick station was the busiest in England in the 1930's. I will also explain why the strawberry industry developed and declined, and how these events changed life around the area. This area I will be researching is Swanwick, Locks Heath, Warsash and Ticthfield. I will do this by visiting each of these sites and taking photographs. I will also be looking for places that have some significance to the industry such as Swanwick station, or old pubs etc. I am hoping to find out more about the strawberry industry in the 1930's, and I will hope to find out why the industry built up so fast, but declined just as fast. The Site Today Today, the site has clues as to how important the industry was. For example, MOJ Engineering is a building which used to be a basket factory, at the top of Duncan Road in Swanwick. At the bottom of Duncan Road is Swanwick Station, a two platform train station operating into Southampton, Portsmouth and London. The Q8 petrol station and the pub/restaurant The Talisman is in Park Gate, off the A27. Opposite Brookfield School in Sarisbury is a road called Strawberry Hill. This is a dead end road, but has brand new traffic lights for the main road at the bottom of the hill. The Joseph Paxton pub and the off-licence â€Å"Threshers†in Park Gate are both relevant to this study. Photos from the Site Today This is a photo of MOJ Engineering. The faded writing on the wall reads â€Å"Swanwick and District Basket Factory.†This is the outside of Swanwick Station today. The Talisman at Park Gate The Village Inn; used to be the inn for railway commuters. The Site As It Was and How The Industry Developed The site was completely different to what it is today, as it has endured many changes. In 1872, the strawberry industry picked up, and soon there were many growers across Swanwick, Warsash and Park Gate. They were mainly situated in the well known strawberry fields. As the industry developed, Swanwick train station was built. It was completed in 1888 and had the job of transporting the strawberries to London and various other places. Wicker baskets to hold the strawberries were transported in from Winchester Jail made by prisoners. However in 1913 the Swanwick and District Basket Factory was established adjacent to the station. It produced light and attractive plastic punnets. A successful season was critical for the industry and at encouraging moments during the growing period, prayers were offered for fair weather and a healthy crop as this was the growers' only source for income. During the season – usually mid June to mid July -the picking started as early as 4am for the 10am trains to places such as Aberdeen, Glasgow and Dublin. Because picking was hard, thirsty work, the local off-licence would supply a firkin of beer (about 9 gallons) everyday to each field throughout the season. The workers would receive a glass after 1000 baskets of strawberries had been picked. The fruit from the area was known in the trade as â€Å"Southamptons†and was soon recognised as been of a superior quality to that of competitors in Cornwall. The first variety of berry grown in the area was known as the â€Å"Maud†and was about the size of a thimble. Later came the â€Å"Joey†or â€Å"Paxtons†, short for Sir Joseph Paxton who was the producer of this strain, being much larger then the â€Å"Maud†and was considered by many experts to be the most delicious berry ever grown. Later servicemen from the Great War returned to look for jobs, and found strawberry growing to be the most suitable, as it would earn them sufficient amounts to support a family for the whole of the year. During the season, Swanwick was over-flowing with the horses and carts which transported the strawberries from the fields to the station. Strawberry Hill was a road in which they travelled by, as you can tell by the name. â€Å"It was recorded by some means that in the 1928 season 1,287,925 baskets left Swanwick station for London to take advantage of the lucrative markets there.†Much of the crop was grown for London markets, whose salesmen spoke highly of the local fruit. â€Å"Up to sixty pair-horse wagons were needed to convey the fruit from Waterloo to the markets.) The land around the area was perfect for growing strawberries, but only strawberries as it didn't have the right nutrients for other crops, which is a reason why the industry developed, as they had no competition. The availability of pickers was immense, as gypsies would invade the area as pickers for the picking rate of a penny farthing per 4 pound chip basket or 6 pence per hour. Whole families would work up to 18 hours per day. This was good for the industry as it meant more work could be done faster meaning more income. Photos from The Site As It Was Why did the Industry Decline? The sudden boom of strawberry growing was a success but it was in 1913 that a new variety of berry was to prove disastrous to the growers. The â€Å"Madame La Fevebre†was favoured and was for several years known as a good cropper. However it was this variety that brought the deadly disease â€Å"root – rot†to the area. As a consequence, crops were badly hit and this coupled with the depression led to many growers going bankrupt. started to deteriorate in the 1930's. One of the main reasons was that the earth was basically exhausted. Growers had used the land to the extent that it would no longer yield the crops. The Depression, late frosts in 1938 and finally the outbreak of war hastened the decline of the industry in the 30's. The survivors from the war realised that there were better jobs on offer, and didn't return to growing strawberries. There was a lot of competition from foreigners as well, as their crops ripened earlier and were sold cheaper. This was a problem for local growers as with this competition, they weren't getting the money they needed to support their families. Around this time (30's/early 40's) air transport was developing, so England was experiencing foreign strawberries. The growth of supermarkets instead of small fruit markets meant they needed â€Å"perfect†strawberries, and with all the problems in the area, the standards declined. Along with the developing supermarkets, the land originally used for crops was being increased to build houses on. By the 1940's the trend was general produce such as potatoes and tomatoes (for the rationing during the war.) However this growth of produce continued after the war and competed against strawberry growers. 1949 was particularly bad for them as Nurseries were developing all round the district with vast areas under glass. â€Å"Locks Heath Nurseries†boasted the largest greenhouse in Hampshire given over to the cultivation of tomatoes. To Conclude†¦ Looking back to the 40 boom years or so from the 1870's Locks Heath has been established all because of their strawberries. Nowadays they are associated with the recent phenomenon of â€Å"pick your own.†There are few memories left from this time, such as the station, and the basket factory etc, but the seasonal frenzied activity which included every citizen of Locks Heath, young and old, every year are now long since over.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Identifying Stakeholders and Interests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Identifying Stakeholders and Interests - Essay Example This organization is mainly concerned with the creations of fair systems of trade that would benefit the farm workers and ensure that they get fair remuneration. It conducts research on the various aspects related to farm workers to ensure that they get satisfaction from their work efforts (Fair Trade, 2010). It is clear that this organization has concerns on the interests of farmers and thus, it supports the labor laws. The stakeholders that are also associated with labor laws are those in the Office of Disability Employment Policy. The stakeholders in this case wish to change the systems used in employing and addressing the issues that affect the people with disability. They have suggested the things incorporations for the systems to change effectively. The first thing to change is the elimination of the disincentives in the federal programs. These disincentives have been detrimental to the people with disabilities and in turn, it violates the law on inclusion of all regardless of race, state of ability or ethnicity. The other thing that needs attention is the collaboration and synchronization of the federal programs (ODEP, 2010). The stakeholders in this department have the aim of improving the efficiency of labor laws meaning that they support the labor laws. The National Mediation Board (NMB) is also an organization built to address the issues that affect human capital. However, this organization has some political issues surrounding it and thus, it does not support the labor laws. The first issue in this organization is that all the senior members have reached the retirement age. This means that the organization does not protect the interests of the young who are unemployed and could fill the management positions when given the chance. This organization is also weak in its procurement procedures and thus does not obey the existing labor laws. It should therefore be changed for it to meet the labor laws (Smith & Erez, 2011). The stakeholders at
Economics assignment (short answer questions) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Economics (short answer questions) - Assignment Example This is because many workers are unwilling to take pay cuts hence inflation helps to reduce the purchasing power of their paychecks. In the ‘Deck the Halls with Macro Follies’ video, two main ideas or arguments in relation to the growth of the economy are presented. First, it is argued that spending does not help grow the economy. Contrary to what many believe, excessive consumption does not contribute towards economic recovery. Secondly, in order for meaningful and sustained growth to be realized, there is need to delay consumption today and concentrate on saving. This will help increase production which helps the economy to grow since growth is facilitated by supply. Too much spending is not good for the economy. In his book End this Depression now, Krugman argues that Europe’s ‘Big Delusion’ is the belief that the economic crisis in Europe was as a result of fiscal irresponsibility. It is the belief that countries operated on budget deficits and this go them into debt. As a result, the approach to dealing with the crisis has more or less been a moral one where countries are believed to have sinned. Focus has been on this big delusion and little attention has been given to other evidence. The V Sauce video ‘How Much Money is there on Earth’ highlights a number of ideas related to money and world currencies. Two major things were learnt from the video. First, there is a lot of money kept by individuals as loose change. This money, if collected, can be put to good use. For example the loose change in America is estimated to be 15B dollars. In addition, I have learnt about the definitions of money on the planet: M0, M1, M2 and M3. Secondly, I have learnt about the Tinkerbell effect. This is the belief that money is valuable, and this helps to attach meaning and value to FIAT money. The main objective of advertising is to sell. It helps to communicate information aimed at persuading consumers to buy. Companies decide to place an ad in the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 15
Philosophy - Essay Example However, most of these literary writings have vanished, as only some tattered bits are available now. Plato wrote around twenty-three philosophical dialogues, which Socrates had with his followers. Plato’s republic is the most important of such writings, as the same is being investigated philosophically, even in the current materialistic technological age. Plato’s Republic is recorded in Book, numbered 1 to10. This paper will discuss mainly the topic from book one. As per the Plato’s Republic, book one, while discussing on various issues, Socrates poses the question regarding the definition of happiness and justice, to his followers and critics. Socrates is not able to answer this question directly, even when he rejects the others’ views on â€Å"what is justice†.. However, Plato has given a rich and detailed theory of justice as detailed by Socrates, in the books of Republic.(337b) Plato’s Republic details the Socrates views on the issue, which is for the critics also to review. Although, the early dialogues reveals the position of Socrates viewing this on moralistic values, the later dialogues involve theories related to metaphysics, religion and psychology etc..These dialogues recorded in detail in books from 2 to 10 As per Plato’s Republic, its book 1 details about the returning of Socrates and his friend Glaucon, from a religious festival, when they meet young Polemarchus. On the insistence of this young noble, Socrates visits the home of Polemarchus, where the visitors also meet his aging father Cephalous Socrates starts conversation with the old man on the growing age. However, soon the topic of discussion turns to justice. Cephalous is a respected elder man of the region who is rich as well. During such conversation, Cephalous is of the view that justice means meeting one’s obligations and being honest towards others.(330) However, as per the Plato’s version in Republic book 1 and 2, Socrates is not able to agree
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Killer Profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Killer Profile - Essay Example People involved in violent crimes tend to fit the profile described by the profiler in this case, but here there is no evidence to suggest the killer fits these behavioural categories. The description of the characteristics of this individual are also extremely broad. A large number of men would fit this profile. There are many men out there who are angry and slightly paranoid, who drink too much and have an interest in guns and military matters. There is nothing particular or detailed about this description, nothing which will lead investigators directly to their man. These kinds of profiles can be counter-productive. They tend to create a schema in the investigators mind. They then have trouble thinking outside of the box. They look only for a men of a certain background and age and disposition. The best example of a profile throwing off an investigationâ€â€and indeed leading to the preventable deaths of many individualsâ€â€occurred in the course of the Beltway Sniper investigation. A similar profile was presented to investigators: the shooter was to be a white man of a certain age, paranoid and with background in the military or law enforcement. Investigators combed DC and its suburbs looking for such people. In fact, the sniping turned out to be the work of an African American man and his 17-year-old son. What seemed to be the work of one man was the work of twoâ€â€and the profile was completely wrong. If investigators had simply kept more of an open mind they would likely have found the Beltway Sniper before he could do such damag e. There are however some advantages to following the suggestions of this profile. To being with it provides a starting point. Just because it may be a kind of default profile doesn’t mean that it isn’t accurate. The notion that the killer has an explosive temper and does not respond well under pressure and that he has a paranoid mindframe
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Pierson and the Secret Service Scandal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pierson and the Secret Service Scandal - Essay Example During this entire incident neither the President, nor his family were inside the White House. However, this act was viewed as a significant attempt to trick the security of the President and shed light on work of Ms. Pierson, who was responsible to look after the President’s security detail at all times. Another event which turned out to be a final blow to Julia Pierson’s Position came in the face of an incident where in Atlanta an armed guard was using the same elevator as President Barrack Obama. Interestingly enough, the guard was not authorized to be near the President, and this could have possibly led to disastrous consequences (Plate and Sterman, 2014). I personally believe that Ms. Julia Pierson’s case could have been handled in a much different manner as compared to the way it was currently resolved. What needs to be understood is that Ms. Julia, like all civil servants, has served at various key positions and undergone rigorous training prior to being appointed to lead the President’s Security Detail. Anyone can have a bad day at work, and making a judgment on someone based on a couple of events is essentially not the right thing to do. I believe Ms. Julia should have been first asked to explain if she has been undergoing any issues which are keeping her attention from her work. Accordingly, she should have been counseled. If the interaction determined that Ms. Julia needs a break from work, then she could have been sent for vacations to cool her mind and later on join in with a fresh attitude. Asking her to resign like in this case is no resolution. It is totally unjust and ruthless to end a person’s service straight away without giving them any chance. What could have been rather more appropriate, would be to not make Ms. Julia resign from her position, but rather to move her to another office and assign her with another responsibility instead of simply sabotaging her
Monday, September 23, 2019
Consulting opportunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Consulting opportunity - Essay Example Laurent (Ferdows., 2004). 1.1. Outline of the opportunity Fast Fashion is a type of disruptive business process. In this process, smaller firms and lesser-known designers copy designs, fabrics, materials, colours and other distinguishing features from the products of well designers who display their styles in fashion magazines and in fashion shows. These designs are then given to small and independent firms based in China, Vietnam and other developing nations where labour is economical. These firms are equipped with modern machines that produce the items very quickly and in large volumes. Original designers such as Dolce and Gabanna may take up to 18 months or more to manufacture their designs. The fast fashion firms use mass manufacturing and distribution methods to productionise the designs in just a few weeks (Fiorito, 2009). The fast fashion sector is growing at a rapid pace and it fills the need of men and women to wear affordable designs and clothes, too look good and be presen table. In 2010, Fast Fashion sector was worth 27 billion GBP and it makes up 12% of the UK apparel market. While a large number of Chinese manufacturers and suppliers are present, a number of established brands have also become fast fashion retailers. Some of the more popular ones are Zara, Uniqlo, GAP, H&M and others. Some top fashion houses and retailers have also adopted fast fashion methods to fill their displays with affordable clothes. Some of these are New Look, Top Shop, Asda, Armani Exchange, Abercrombie & Fitch, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, MUJI, Comme ca ism, C&A, American Appeal, Aeropostale, American Eagle Outfitters, United Colours of Benetton and Next. Other reputed brands are also using some principles of fast fashion by getting their outfits manufactured economically and quickly from China. These brands include Mark One, Burton, BHS, Evans, Dorothy Perkins, Wallis and many others. Clearly, fast fashion has caught the fancy of small fashion houses and leading design ers (WGSN, 2011). Fashion has two distinct genres and these are Haute Couture or high fashion and Mass or Fast Fashion. Haute Couture is designer clothing where designers take up limited designs of their apparel and very few items are produced. Besides being custom stitched, these items are very expensive and an evening dress for women by a designer such as Dior or Armani would cost more than 50,000 GBP. These exclusive items are also displayed in exclusive and branded fashion stores on high street in selected cities and capitals. Customers who wear such clothes include celebrities, movie stars, rich business people and socialites who move in their own limited circle of friends. The genre of fast fashion includes apparel used for office wear, leisure and eveningwear, formals, sportswear and other items. These are affordable and cost from 30 to 80 GBP per item. There are for everyday use and for middle class people, students, working professionals who want to look good but who cannot afford the high rates of Haute Couture designs. In many cases, fast fashion items are copies of the high street fashion items with some improvisations and additions (Tungate, 2005). This report will present an idea to start a fast fashion brand
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Summary of Articles Heart of Darkness Essay Example for Free
Summary of Articles Heart of Darkness Essay Summary 5 Authoritative Articles â€Å"Racism in Heart of Darkness†Chinua Achebes article An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrads Heart of Darkness' was basically written about the racism Achebe encountered in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. Achebe criticizes Joseph Conrad for his racist stereotypes towards the continent and people of Africa. Achebe claims that Conrad spread the image that people imagined rather than portraying Africa in its true form. Africans were shown in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†as savages with no way to speak other than grunting. To Conrad, the Africans were not real characters in his story, but were backgrounds or props. Chinua Achebe responded with his own novel, â€Å"Things Fall Apart†: it was a contrast to Heart of Darkness and comparable works by other European writers. In â€Å"Things Fall Apart†, Achebe tells the story of Okonkwo, an Ibo man who is actually represented as a functioning person. Africans are represented as actual individuals with intelligence and a language, not just one massive conglomerate of dumb thoughtless natives. Their customs are not regarded as crazy and foreign, but as normal everyday life no different than the assortment of Western customs. And the land itself is described as a mix of towns and farms, not a foreign dangerous land. In basically every way, â€Å"Things Fall Apart†challenges typecasts set forward in Heart of Darkness. Overall it is a useful article that contains a good amount of information and I would recommend it to other students. Suzanne Fields wrote an article on the racism in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†she actually defended Conrad. She thought that although, he wrote about racist things he presented in the way that was the norm at the time. She stated that it wasn’t racist because that was how people perceived them not because he had anything against them racially. Suzanne felt that his observations can’t be called racist because that was only how he saw it. It was informative and I would tell other students to read the article because it shows Conrad’s book in a different light than most people do. It was a reputable article written on â€Å"Real Clear Politics†by an actual writer. When Dr. John Laflin wrote an article about the argument that the â€Å"Heart of Darkness†was racist he originally felt it seemed racist, but upon further analysis it isn’t actually racist. He thought when first reading seeing the ord ner and the way he described them as creatures made it seem racist. When he more closely examined the work he noticed that he actually referred to his own people as creatures which showed that all people has animalistic tendencies. He also noted that Conrad did in fact give the natives human qualities. Dr, Laflin showed both sides of the argument on the racism in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†and he made it an easy to read informative work. It definitely was a great article and a good resource. On British/UK fiction Jackie Patrick wrote an article about all aspects of â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. She mentions racism and says it wouldn’t be politically correct in today’s culture, but in Conrad’s time period it was normal and therefore not racist. She says although he alienates the natives from the whites he doesn’t consider them a different species and doesn’t actually see them as animals. She states that in today’s culture that the writing he put forth wouldn’t be acceptable, but in his time period the word ner was historically correct. Although the article was about all aspects of â€Å"Heart of Darkness†she still shows her take on the racism in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. It was a useful article and was on a reputable site with an easy to use set up. Dr. Leon Litvack compared Achebe’s article on â€Å"Heart of Darkness†to Cederic Watt’s response to the reading. Cederic believed Achebe didn’t read deep enough in to the text and was naive in his understanding of the novel. While Achebe was completely up in arms about the racism portrayed in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†saying that the natives were shown as animals, Watts vehemently fought against those views saying that Conrad gave the natives human qualities. They showed restraint when faced with cannibalism and Kurtz did not show the same self-control. Watts contradicts everything that Achebe wrote and says that Achebe took things out of context and didn’t understand the novel. This article showed two completely different views and compared them giving good information from both sides of the arguments. It would be a good article for students to read because it basically has two articles in one and it compares them.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The film ‘Migrante’ Essay Example for Free
The film ‘Migrante’ Essay The scenes leading to Frida’s departure to Israel is all too familiar since many Filipinos, including me, have relatives working abroad. But it is an entirely new experience when viewing it from a different perspective. One could almost sense the pain that characters were feeling as Frida’s departure neared, most especially when the children were begging desperately for their mother not to leave was one of the scenes that struck me. If they had a choice, who would want to go out of this country to work? Knowing our Filipino culture for strong family ties, no one would. If there is anything that makes ‘Migrante’ stand out from other OFW films is the fact that they spent a significant amount of time showing what pushed Frida, like other Filipinos, to work abroad. Many Filipinos leave the country in the hope that working abroad could help them uplift their living conditions, be able to send loved ones to a good school, buy medicines for family members who are sick and secure a decent future, especially for the children, only to end up as a victim of maltreatment. Another highlight of the film is how other OFWs, who, too, have their own problems, are willing to lend a helping hand to their fellow Filipinos in dire need. As portrayed in ‘Migrante’, government agencies abroad were hardly of help to the unsung heroes of the country. Those who played the role as members of the real-life migrant rights group Migrante International expressed their reservations on how their fellow Filipinos landed in a much worse fate when embassy o fficials intervened, or the lack thereof, in their respective cases. The film is another gripping portrayal of the continuing poor working conditions of overseas Filipino workers. It was a film on one individual’s life. But now, (in this film) you will see the bigger problem. It also focuses on how groups few non-government organization are helping OFWs in other countries. There is accumulating number of cases of OFWs being maltreated. The number of reported incidents have increased tremendously that people think that it is just an ordinary case. It projects the many faces of being an overseas Filipino worker. The fates of the OFWs in the film were intertwined by the tragic incident that has befallen Frida and her family. This film is one of the most effective ways to educate the people about what we are going through. This is not just a lecture. The film would be of big help in the migrants’ rights advocacy. It is very timely because the labor export policy is being intensified. It reflects what Filipinos are going through abroad becaus e the story did not just focus on one family. As the film concluded, a question is sure to linger in one’s mind: What is there to do to stop this cycle?
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